Jackie's Journey to Julia

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Arrived in Guangzhou

We arrived this afternoon in Guangzhou. This is the capital city of the province in which Joy was born and adopted. Guangzhou is where Rob stayed the entire time he was in China with her. For us, we have to come here to visit the American Consulate to get her visa to come to America. We have the approval for one -- that is an early part of the paperwork process before your paperwork even goes to China. We just have to have a medical exam tomorrow. On Thursday our guide will process our paperwork with the consulate. On Friday we will have a swearing in -- I think that is when she becomes a citizen. Then we depart for home.

Guangzhou is much more tropical (read here: Hotter than Hell) than Chengdu. Chengdu looks more like home plant wise and here is looks more like Florida or Hawaii with palms and tropical plants. Our guide here -- Bob -- was telling us that Guangzhou is a major trading city - which it is. Even when most of China was closed during the early communist era, Guangzhou remained more open than many other places. It is also more expensive to overall than Chengdu for tourism. However, we have hit the JACKPOT on our hotel -- we are staying at a brand new hotel -- open 2 months. It is a 5 star Holiday Inn. The room is HUGE in comparison to our room in Chengdu. It is plush and nice -- the bathroom has a beautiful soaking tub and a large shower. We arrived with a letter greeting us from the manager. Within 30 minutes one of the sales department people called me to see if everything was to my satisfaction. She gave me her personal cell phone number to call her anytime 24/7 that I needed anything that I was not being met. A few minute later a crib was rolled in with a basket of gift toys for Julia to enjoy in the bath as well as three yellow roses to enjoy.

Needless to say -- this is probably nicer than the typical Motel 6 I enjoy on a dog show weekend! :)

We are headed this afternoon to walk around a bit and see the area. it is not like Chengdu -- there are apartments everywhere and it does appear a bit older part of town. I will get the pictures posted of the view out my window. For those who have been to Guangzhou -- I can see the Victory out my window and the White swan is next door to that but behind a building. Tonight for dinner we are joining to meet up with several other families an go to a well known Thai restaurant here in Guangzhou. Cantonese food (which is the local cuisine) is very different from Sichuan in Chengdu. There we had some spicy dishes but we ate primarily beef, pork, chicken and could have had many vegatarian dishes. Bob was telling us on the way from the airport that here pigeon is a specialty. We can also enjoy pigs, pig feet, organ soup, turtle, snake, and about everything. He said that Cantonese will eat ANYTHING. I, on the other hand, may not. :)

My plans while here inlcude a visit to the temple and the jade market tomorrow. I will also be heading over to Shaiman Island and doing some shopping. While I was in Chengdu I got two coffee table type books of the province for Julia and I want to do the same here for Joy. I also want to get a peasant painting for Julia -- Joy has one that Rob got her. He did a great job of shopping for her!

I have to say again that we have had nothing but great experiences thus far. Heritage has done such a great job of making a process that is so incredibly easy and painless. I have felt like I got to enjoy my new daughter, get to know the place she is from and now I get a chance to get to know a little of the region Joy is from as well. That is a great thing... I will come again one day with both girls and visit the towns of their birth, but at least I can carry back to them memories of both of their provinces.

Julia seems to have taken the transition from one hotel to the next in stride. She napped off and on all morning as we were traveling here. She arrived at our new hotel and promptly ran around chattering like she owned the place. I think she will be just fine.

Joy -- If you are reading this with Grammy -- is there anything you want from the place in China you are from? I love you... I miss you ... I will be home Friday night! Take a nap on Friday so that you can come to the airport to meet us!

I will post more later tonight after dinner.



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