Jackie's Journey to Julia

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Middle of night musings in China 7/26/06 5 AM

Julia woke up about 3:30 and spent about an hour just kinda looking around while dozing in and out. She definately bonded to James and I was afraid she might loose it when James had to leave to pee. He laid back down with her and she motioned that she wanted his head RIGHT NEXT TO HERS -- not 12 inches away. They are curled up back asleep.

She is still trying to figure me out. I am taking Marleens advice... go slow... stay low. I know that she will come around... I am just so thankful that she found someone that she feels she trusts in James. I always knew he was a good kid! Kinda funny ... Joy loves both her brothers but she would trust her life with Jacob. I think that James will be the one who holds this little girl's hand for many years to come.

Me? I know she will come around. She is okay with me but just not sure how all this works. I expect that as we get some food and meds in her... she will feel more like connecting. She is not pushing me away.... just not quite ready to snuggle up. She has not said anything yet -- just a little hum -- muh-muh -- roughly translated - Uh-UH! when she does not like something. She gestures to shwo you what she wants and so far we have not had a hard time figuring out her Her Chinese dialect of "Two year old ese".

She is TINY -- her little arms are about the circumference of two fingers width. Tonight we got her into jammies after she peed on her blankie -- whoops. She seemed to like them and they are fine... Her size 3 pull ups are NONE to small and when we first held them up to her James and I were like "oh shoot... she is REALLY little".

I was able to hand a gift to the foster mother personally. They asked me if it was a big gift or small -- I had two little lotions and so I said it was lotions -- very small and they let me give it to her. It also had my address wrapped in tissue paper on the bottom.... oh and 500 yuan wrapped in paper too. :) Yes... a wee bit naughty of me....

It is very unusual to get to meet the foster family when you recieve the child. I can not believe that they let me sit next to her and talk to her through the translator. I just thanked her time and again for caring for Julia. She sent her with a little potsticker/bread thing in a bag. That is all she has to her name.

I am really curious to see what the rest of the morning brings. I am not sure what the whole scoop is but it looks like our guide pulled strings to get us all done with paperwork tomorrow rather than having to wait a week to even start. If that is the case, I may see if we can change our plans and head to Guangzhou. At this moment -- I am not sure we will go to Guangyuan -- it is about 3.5hours away and I am not sure that Julia will be up for that in three days. I am just going to go with the flow and figure that all the pieces will fall where they should.

We will post later after we finish up with Civil affairs.



  • Jackie, James, and Jacob,
    Thanks for letting us know what you guys are up to. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:49 PM  

  • Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 PM  

  • Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:09 AM  

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