Whew.... Tuesday night in China
Jackie writing again...
I wondered a wee bit about why I brought two sons with me to China. I have my answer. Tonight... Julia finally calmed a wee bit and she and I played the "you point and I will walk where you tell me game". James escorted us as she seemed to like him. We walked around in circles on our floor for a good half an hour. One time we came around the corner and she saw Jacob -- and waved.... We were thrilled. After a very long evening for her and an hour and a half with these strange people.... she settled into James' arms and fell asleep. James was worth his ticket price today.
Tomorrow AM we will go to Civil Affairs and finalize the adoption. It is my understanding that her passport is already underway and if for some reason we get all that done early, I will see if we can arrive in Guangzhou early. Even if we are not able to move our consulate or anything, Guangzhou has many adoptive families, shops and such.
Now for the things everyone wants to know ...
Julia is tiny. She arrived wearing split pants, a dress and sandles. She has a little hair -- nothing fantastic yet. She has icky dry skin -- Marleen I will be calling you. It appears that her pallette is still open on the roof of her mouth. Rob and Mom -- I will be talking to you about getting her docs appointments as soon as she arrives home. She can shake her head NO. She can point. She can walk but prefers to have a human carraige to take her where she points. She still takes a bottle -- but wouldnt tonight. She went to sleep in her brothers arms clutching the blankie I brought her and sighing heavy sighs you hear from one who has cried a great deal today.
I was able to meet her foster mother and thank her in person. Kel --not sure if the guy that is the orphanage official is the one you described. I will be trying to post a photo.
Julia looks like she needs some chunky food, lotion, and a fresh change of clothes. However, she does not miss a beat, has an opinion and I think is a perfectly normal 2 year old! There is nothing I see here that a little food, love and a great doc can not make perfect.
Oops... she just woke up... and peed... and is crying and needs James.... gotta run.
I wondered a wee bit about why I brought two sons with me to China. I have my answer. Tonight... Julia finally calmed a wee bit and she and I played the "you point and I will walk where you tell me game". James escorted us as she seemed to like him. We walked around in circles on our floor for a good half an hour. One time we came around the corner and she saw Jacob -- and waved.... We were thrilled. After a very long evening for her and an hour and a half with these strange people.... she settled into James' arms and fell asleep. James was worth his ticket price today.
Tomorrow AM we will go to Civil Affairs and finalize the adoption. It is my understanding that her passport is already underway and if for some reason we get all that done early, I will see if we can arrive in Guangzhou early. Even if we are not able to move our consulate or anything, Guangzhou has many adoptive families, shops and such.
Now for the things everyone wants to know ...
Julia is tiny. She arrived wearing split pants, a dress and sandles. She has a little hair -- nothing fantastic yet. She has icky dry skin -- Marleen I will be calling you. It appears that her pallette is still open on the roof of her mouth. Rob and Mom -- I will be talking to you about getting her docs appointments as soon as she arrives home. She can shake her head NO. She can point. She can walk but prefers to have a human carraige to take her where she points. She still takes a bottle -- but wouldnt tonight. She went to sleep in her brothers arms clutching the blankie I brought her and sighing heavy sighs you hear from one who has cried a great deal today.
I was able to meet her foster mother and thank her in person. Kel --not sure if the guy that is the orphanage official is the one you described. I will be trying to post a photo.
Julia looks like she needs some chunky food, lotion, and a fresh change of clothes. However, she does not miss a beat, has an opinion and I think is a perfectly normal 2 year old! There is nothing I see here that a little food, love and a great doc can not make perfect.
Oops... she just woke up... and peed... and is crying and needs James.... gotta run.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
By Anonymous, at 9:12 PM
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