Jackie's Journey to Julia

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thursday Afternoon China time -- 7/27/06

Today we went and visited the Giant Panda research center -- pretty neat stuff. The pandas were inside cause it was hot, but we still got to be right next to them. Kids got some great pics.

Julia is getting better each day about who she will accept. She loves James but she is accepting Jacob and I. Today at lunch she let me feed her and she and I laughed at her noodle eating techniques. Yesterday she did not really eat until dinner and today she has accepted food from all three of us and laughed about it. She still will not take a bottle -- she drinks easily from a cup. She makes great faces if she does not like something.

We had one melt down today -- my screen saver came up with her foster mom's pic on it that was sent to me a few weeks ago. She cried for a while ... then seemed to accept me better than ever before. It is very hard to let go of all you have known for your whole life, even if by our standards it was not as good a life as she will have with us. Her grief is apparent ... but it is a comfort to me to know that she knows love.

Tomorrow night we will go to the opera and then we will also be going to the pearl market, temple, tea house and park while we are here since we have such a long time until we go to Guangzhou. Any other pearl requests -- send them to me. I can get nice strands for about $25 US.

Now for the most important news of the day -- SHE IS POTTY TRAINED!!!! We brought pullups and yesterday she was not ready to discuss pottying with any of us. Today, however, she has remained dry all day and just now ... I know this does not sound like a thrill to the rest of the world, but for us -- great news... she pooped in the toilet with guidance from the brothers and then was so proud. You know what they say ... never take a gift poo for granted!

I will say that the process of getting her to accept that I am indeed her mama has been a long one and we are not yet all the way there -- but it will come. She has been with us only about 40 hours so we still have some time. I am pleased that she is warming up, showing laughter and humor -- she plays with us now. She waves at one of us if we leave the room or come back. She has asked the guide and james several times if I am the mama and today before lunch she patted me and said "mama"... so I think she is figuring it out. Apparently one of the phrases she says is something to the effect of "I do it myself". Nothing like another strong willed girl to make our house a varitable hot spot of estrogen!

The boys are amazing.... I am so glad they are here. In addition to the time with Julia they are truly appreciative of the experience here in China. We have had long conversations about how rich we are in comparison and how easy it is for Americans to take for granted the incredible lives we have. Most Chinese will never live in a house -- just an apartment. They will not have a yard. One store keeper told me I must be rich to have four children -- the chinese can not afford the fines to do that. Our guide and I talked about how the Chinese do not keep pets -- that is a luxury that people who struggle to keep food for their family would not think of expending. I often say that I live in a humble little house. Well, but comparison with the million dollar homes in my area -- yes. By the world standards, I live like a queen and should be ashamed of the days in which I complain about my standing in life. My boys are at an excellent age to see what they see and come home to a deeper understanding of the blessings they have. it is interesting -- they have not asked for anything while here. Instead, they have said "no, we dont really need that...." Both boys are wonderful, good souls, but the perspective of the world they gain here makes them incredible and gives them a perspective that few American teens will ever have the chance to hold. As I said, the trip was more education than any tuition in America would ever purchase.

As for me -- I am blessed. I still can not figure out what I ever did to deserve such amazing children -- all of them. Julia will teach me things that my other three have not yet taught me. I am told over and over what a wonderful life she will have and here in China she would have nothing. But her presence in our life is pretty amazing too. She hold a fortitude and determination that are admirable. I think she can teach us to value the health care system and so many Americans sigh and grumble about. In China, she would not have the right to an education due to being an orphan and a "disabled" child. We question the equality of education with no child left behind but even the most impoverished school in America does not compare to a life in which you have no right to an education.

I am not often political in my thoughts or writings, but I will openly say that most of us in the western countries do not have a clue when it comes to understanding and appreciating the riches we have. Potable water. heat. Cooling. Enough food that obesity is a problem. Children who think it is a pain to have to go to school. It is a different world. It may be the same globe, but trust me -- it is a different world.

On a lighter note -- James has taught Julia one of the funnniest little tricks -- every time she drinks something she smacks her lips three times and then lets out a large "ahhhhhhhh". It is pretty hilarious. She just tasted a chocolate soy protien bar and did the same thing -- great taste, dont you think?

I talked on the phone tonight with Joy -- she is missing her mama. I still think it was best that she not come but it is hard for both of us to be away from each other.... I am shopping for her and telling her about many things she is getting. Thanks to the grammas for the extra love and attention. take care of my girl for me...



  • Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 PM  

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